Sunday, November 2, 2008

The evening of september 24, 2008

My bags are halfpacked. The heavy half, it seems. I've got the romanian novel for Andreea, our friend in Delft, Deni and Sorin got the cigarettes, we're ready for tomorrow. I didn't manage to unlock my iphone; too bad, a wireless connection could have been cool.
Our trip is gonna last 17 days. Three 21-year-olds travelling on their own through Europe. No hotel. We're only going to stay at friends and "couchsurfers" (hosts found on I'm proud of us.
We're only going to visit the Netherlands for fun. But I feel like we're going on a mission. like one of those missions from the SF books, or fairytales. to find the magic mill. or the magic tulip. or the magic mushroom.

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